Discover the Costa Blanca - history, culture and more

Discover the Costa Blanca - history, culture and more

16 Jan 2024

Discover the Costa Blanca - history, culture and more

Exploring the Whimsical Villages of Costa Blanca South: A Journey Through Time and Flavor

Costa Blanca South, a region renowned for its sun-soaked beaches and where many people start their search when looking to buy a property in Spain, harbors a secret world of enchanting villages waiting to be discovered. Join us on a journey beyond the bustling cityscapes and tourist hotspots as we unravel the hidden tales and flavors woven into the fabric of these whimsical hamlets.

In this exploration, the team at Zebra Homes real estate invites you to step off the beaten path and meander through cobblestone streets, where time seems to slow, and each corner reveals a story untold. These villages, often overshadowed by the coastal glamour, offer a glimpse into the soul of Costa Blanca South, where tradition meets tranquility.

Guadalest: A Medieval Marvel in the Mountains

Nestled high in the mountains, Guadalest is a medieval marvel dating back to the 11th century, offering panoramic views and a journey through time. The village is crowned by the Castell de Guadalest, a fortress with a storied past, having witnessed the rule of the Moors and the Reconquista. 

Wander through narrow streets lined with white-washed houses and discover the tranquility of the reservoir. 

Guadalest boasts a rich cultural tapestry seen in its traditional processions, like the annual Moors and Christians celebration, and preserved architecture. Don't miss almond-based pastries, a local delicacy, and the chance to savor the region's olive oils and wines.

Altea: Artistic Ambiance by the Azure Sea

Altea, a coastal village with artistic flair, beckons with its charming old town. Cobblestone streets wind through white-washed houses, leading to the iconic blue-domed church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo. Established in Roman times, Altea's history is etched in its streets. 

The town became a refuge for artists during the Spanish Civil War, fostering a creative atmosphere that persists today. Art galleries and artisan shops dot the landscape, making Altea a haven for creatives. Immerse yourself in the town's cultural events, from music festivals to art exhibitions. 

Along the seaside, indulge in Mediterranean cuisine, featuring fresh seafood and artisanal ice creams from local gelaterias.  This area is also very popular with Buyers looking for a luxury property along the Costa Blanca north, enabling them to enjoy the best of both worlds...

Polop: Serenity at the Foot of the Mountains

Polop, nestled at the foot of the mountains, exudes serenity and timeless beauty. Its origins trace back to the Bronze Age, with the town evolving through Roman and Moorish periods. The town's medieval architecture, including the Castle of Polop and the Church of San Pedro, transports visitors to a bygone era. 

Polop celebrates its history with lively fiestas, blending parades, music, and dance. One of the significant events is the Moros y Cristianos festival, commemorating the region's history of Moorish occupation. 

In local tapas bars, sample authentic Spanish snacks, complemented by the town's renowned wine and traditional dishes.

Jávea (Xàbia): Coastal Beauty and Maritime Heritage

Jávea seamlessly blends coastal beauty with historic charm, offering diverse attractions for visitors. 

Arenal Beach invites relaxation, while the Old Town and Montgó Natural Park provide glimpses into the town's rich history. Jávea's origins date back to prehistoric times, with evidence of Iberian and Roman settlements. 

The town's lively fiestas, including the San Juan bonfires on the beach, showcase its cultural vibrancy. The historic importance of Jávea's port is highlighted by the Sant Bertomeu Church, which was once a defensive fortress against pirate attacks. 

Indulge in fresh seafood at the port and savor traditional Spanish dishes like paella and arroz a banda. Tapas bars beckon with an array of small bites, completing the culinary adventure.

Embark on this journey through time and flavor, discovering the enchanting side of Costa Blanca South that often goes unnoticed. Lace up your walking shoes, and let's delve into the tales and tastes that make these whimsical villages the heart and soul of this captivating region.

Of course, once you've explored these delights, if you want to turn your search for a property along the Costa Blanca into a reality, our webiste has a wide choice of re-sale and new properties for sale along the Costa Blanca.

Unveiling the Unseen Beauty

As we bid farewell to the cobblestone streets and charming vistas of Costa Blanca South's whimsical villages, we carry with us the memories of a journey that transcends the ordinary. From the medieval marvel of Guadalest to the artistic ambiance of Altea, the serenity of Polop to the coastal beauty of Jávea, each village whispered tales of tradition and flavors unique to their corners of the world. Costa Blanca South, with its hidden gems and historical echoes, invites all to explore beyond the well-trodden paths, discovering the unseen beauty that completes the rich tapestry of this captivating region.

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